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SPCA Community Supporter Debut
Crafting Digital Corgi Art, One Pawprint at a Time
Support ID: 212272668

My Corgi Art is privileged to help all animals who need love and care by supporting the work of a wonderful organization like the SPCA.
We are about to produce Five My Corgi Art greeting cards (blank) by donating all net income!

Firstly, please VOTE your liked greeting card paintings!!
Please hover over each painting and click a heart icon to vote your liked painting for the greeting card.
Top 5 voted paintings will be selected to be greeting cards for your loved ones.
My Favorites
If you find any below paintings to be greeting cards, please VOTE!
Any higher counted votes more than Van Gogh paintings will be chosen as greeting cards.
Please slide paintings from the left to right
When a total of 25 votes are collected by the end of October, we will announce the selected greeting card to be printed!
Our plan is to sell the card online here or delegated shops (will be announced later). Anybody who loves to participate on this activity with us, please contact us. Much appreciated it!